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Love without limits

In honor ( A PLOT )
Æternitas Jesus Christ Immortel

Science fiction carbon 14 test is flawed ...
We do not know the age of the things.


Humanity has even gone through periods of extinction or nonexistence. Eden's Garden many years ago ...
Planet Mars had organic ocean like material similar to a placenta bag.

Not impossible spiritual forces did atom by atom inside a improvised cell a human DNA-RNA that developed itself at a adult or child size in a pleasant environment. A divine engine where two similar genetics generate another completely different genetics. And so on; any human being is original and unique. The legend says that Adam had no father and no mother. But had a girlfriend.
The true name of our Hero is unpronounceable written in cuneiform. YHW
An advanced society that foresaw the death of his planet and began to dream of colonize the Earth "HELL" dominated by dinosaurs and other bad animals.
Atlantis was constructed...

Atlantis was created in the Earth by military mission with the objective to clean the planet of the animals.
The planet Mars died and became very uninhabitable and almost without oxygen, yes Mars had vegetation but much more clean and without insects. Everything utopia in this book!!! EDEN'S GARDEN was Mars.
The population has declined drastically and naturally 2 generates 1 decreases 2 generates 2 increases!
The only way to exterminate the animals of the earth was a clean explosion to  causing glaciation...
The etcetera , dinosaurs were extinguished.
It took many years...

In this time the Humans "Martians" are eternals in flesh and blood and bones.
But not only that, the actual bodies of humans are genetically altered by the Martian Gods who all died because they have no compatible bodies to survive on earth. Microbes and insects and violent animals...

The colonization of the earth was called the Tribe of Adam in honor of Adam.
They died early because the oxygen of the earth burned them fast instead in Mars they use to live forever young , in the Earth the encarnated life became finity and short. There was no time to educate the humans "Earth" mutants with bodies more adapted to this planet.
We are genetically adapted Martians to inhabit and colonize peacefully this planet. Everything planned.

Babel was the center, Cairo, Stonehenge in England and various pyramids scattered all over the planet and always following the same pattern of this planet.

The pyramids were generators of high electromagnetic power that fed the various devices of the time, all portable. Levitation, illumination, weapons, communication and etc... But it was the excess of electromagnetic activity in the atmosphere that caused the Flood. It wasn't premeditated. It was a disgrace to all gods and mortals alike.

It is; the human being fell in barbarie made children without a teacher. Orion was the official religion. A place to live in the future when The Earth will do not support life? Origin or destiny???

As the originals died too soon and we showed ourselves too barbaric and fell into millions of years of barbarism that only begins to end now in the 21st century.

The flood occured.
The Gods died and their adaptation stopped and all secrets of all sciencies losten forever. We became barbarians as children without parents.
The Martian Gods think it is a bad influence of Gaia and her violent animals.
A second part of the Gods decided to live in space... The tribe of Ban.
Rome and the Roman Empire growed up fast in all themes but became a factory of bad dark soldiers that injured The Celtic Kingdom to steal food and more. The Hebrews and The Unique GOD show more moral development.

The ten commandments of the Hebrews not only made it possible to overcome the Egyptians and cross the desert without suffering, but it also allowed more time for all the arts and sciences; because with only one woman for each man there are fewer fights and only one God less wars. Model that has been adopted worldwide and by all good nations.

There was many centers of high culture around this planet.
The technology was certainly portable and the Gods between the clumps did not inherit us because we showed ourselves too wild.
The Egyptians cared the Human kind with culture and development at when Moses got a superior GOD to free of the slavery poor egyptian people denominated Hebrews.

GOD that won Rome (A Dark Empire but the best tool to spread the wisdom and the legend of Jesus to all world) and started a new era.

Paul was rich and influential among the Romans.  Perhaps enough to buy safe conduit in a Caravel that, by legend, landed in a small Celtic Kingdom today France.  The Celts were natural enemies of the Romans, an ideal place to hide Jesus and Magdala. The story of Mary Magdalene is also beautiful. She had powerful lovers, filthy rich Jews, and high Roman officials; only the son of God or the immaterial God himself to save her from this trouble. Just like any girl, if you found your Christ, get out of flirting. In Europe the adventure of having the incarnation of God in their territory had just begun! Avalon mists.

Year zero... 0 B.C. & A.C.

Started a new era!

The legend of Jesus broke a bad and Dark Empire to stablish a new order in the world.

The order of the love. To shall love each other like he love us all.

It is said that ETs helped Moses and Solomon and Jesus, perhaps descendants of the Ban tribe who fled into space trying to survive in space and facing their difficulties. The leader of the tribe of BAN does not conform with the barbarity that happened to those who stayed on earth. Rarely comes into contact with any Earthlings.

"Adam" (Unpronounceable name written in cuneiform) from the beginning of creation because of his blood being different presented a serious side effect... He is eternal in spirit, soul and body! Eternal incarnated.

The Survivor...

And he loves the human race. He's human like us !!!

Currently he is very rich and powerful retired industrialist "Co-Owner of the Oteos Corporation" and member of Freemasonry to be able to obtain fake identity records to hide his age and etc...

"Eva", very beautiful and also eternal.


Once in the power in the XXI century  "THE POWER.... Religious and financial" Jesus send and sent an angel or many angels to solve minimum injustice in the whole world, focus in the United Nations. Any kind of injustices; like sicknesses, destructed lives, accidents... To be solved. Never to kill, to save... To love.

The fifth commandment. Do not kill at the infinity results in to care, to love, to cure, etc..

Big movie! Free Medical Doctors, Lawyers, Psychologists, Secret Agents to save the person before the crime, etc...

Incarnate Angels...

Spirits , souls and bodies!!! Seraphins, Cherubs and Arkangels...

In honor Æternita Jesus under protection of "Adam"...

"Adam" enjoyed the company of more immortals. Any human being has regeneration and immortality in the genes but it is latent. There are hundreds of immortals but they have acquired enough power and money to remain incognito. "Adam" no longer saw an important immortal for millennia, Jesus and Mary Magdalene were a pleasant surprise.

Jesus, also eternal and his sadness too.

He sad in the objective to save all of us.

As long as there is a poor or sick or wronged person in the world, Jesus or Yashuah will save everyone. As long as there is a good person Ya will save the entire planet. Oteos corporation continues to grow. All industries from needle sewing to aerospace to colonize the entire universe; that will solve the problem of poverty and overpopulation. The secret base on the moon is ready. Taking advantage of the low gravity of the moon, it is possible to build large spaceships. Adam invited Jesus is a mysterious CEO who never appears in the media. With the economic power generated by the Oteos Corporation, Jesus and his secret agents (angels) more than Interpol, more than the C.I.A., more than the Mossad and more than the Vatican Secret Service (La Entita) and Freemasonry; it has already avoided several wars and continues to avoid the End of the World. With the Vatican in his power; without them knowing that he is still alive; he controls all the Secret Services and all the Mafias. But then there are the Rebels...

Even Oteos corporation are dealing with archeology on Mars, On a planet in the constellation of Chapel and on Orion to one day reveal that the human being is not from this planet.

It also reveals that the human being came from a planet in Orion, trained in space travel to a planet in the Constellation of Capela and then a very long journey to Mars when it was still habitable and the Earth was dominated by dinosaurs. All this because Beteugelse is going to explode.

The true??? Who knows the truth?

Hidden for ever in the Oteos Corps. Oo!!

The end! Happy end.



PS 1- The Gods done with giant tigers, trough ancient genetic engineering; they made kittens and of the giant lions made puppies. The bible say many kinds of creatures may not God´s creation.
Of course the dogs was made for protection, they were very violent jackal. To protect the gates of the hell or in other words the gates of the death.

God say use all I gave to survive. Written in the Bible>>>Genesis


PS 2- About Jesus Perhaps he is still alive and incarnate. Maybe he just lives in spirit and that's why we have to worship him so that his spirit doesn't die. Maybe he's just a beautiful legend about a perfect human being! I love Christmas and the Christmas spirit; it is the day of his birth and the birthday of a spirit God; ie 2022 years + all the wisdom of God. Next December 25th Merry Christmas. Who knows, one day for all humanity...

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